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Outreach Programs

“If you offer your food to the hungry
and satisfy the needs of the afflicted,
then your light shall rise in the darkness
and your gloom be like the noonday.” 

Isaiah 58:10

Food Pantry

Our Parish family collects food and money for needy families in our community. Food is collected throughout the month and stored at the Food Pantry. Volunteers also support any special drives the pantry may run and encourage food drives by schools, scouting, Knights of Columbus and other community organizations.

Giving Tree

Parishioners donate gifts during Advent that are distributed to in-need families both in our community and neighboring parishes.

Knitting & Crocheting 

This group meets on the first Thursday of each month in the Murphy meeting room to knit and crotchet scarves, gloves, sweaters, baby items or whatever you can for those in need.  All are welcome, from beginners to experts.

Call the Parish Center 908-688-1232 For further information.


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