Music Ministry
Music is a powerful expression of prayer. The parish has an Adult Choir, a Children’s Choir, a Teen’s Choir, Cantors, and Instrumentalists that enhance our Liturgical celebrations with Contemporary and Traditional styles of music.
The adult choir sings on Sunday at 10:30 Mass, Confirmation, Holy Week, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and other liturgies. The children’s choir sings on Sunday at 9 o’clock Mass and other liturgies. The teen choir sings for the Festival of Lights and the Living Stations as well as other liturgies.
Our unified, Multi-cultural parish family welcomes all to share their God-given talents and to experience a spiritual fulfillment as we give praise to God!
Music Ministry

Eucharistic Ministry
Eucharistic Ministers assist in the distribution of Communion at Mass. They also bring Holy Communion to the sick and homebound and in some cases visit area hospitals for communion calls. They are trained in the theology of the Sacrament of the Eucharist and in the communication skills needed when visiting the sick or homebound. Monthly assignments for regularly scheduled Masses as well as for Christmas and Easter help ministers know which mass they are serving. You must be a fully initiated Catholic (received baptism, first communion, and confirmation), a communicant in good standing, and at least sixteen years old to perform the duties of a Eucharist Minister. Training is provided and certification by the Archbishop is required.
Eucharistic Ministry

Lector Ministry
Lectors are ministers who proclaim the Words of God during Masses and lead the church in the Prayer of the Faithful when there is no deacon.
Training is provided so that the Lector may develop the skills required to proclaim God’s message competently.
Any confirmed person is qualified to become part of this vital ministry.
Lector Ministry

Usher Ministry
Ushers or Ministers of Hospitality, as they are also known, greet and welcome people into the Church, assist them with finding seating, maintain order by their directives, take care of the collection, designate families to participate in the Offertory Procession, and attend to other needs that may arise during Sunday worship and other big feasts like Christmas and Easter.
Anyone who has been Confirmed may serve in this ministry.
Usher Ministry

Altar Servers Ministry
Altar servers serve at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. Girls and boys from fourth grade are accepted into this ministry. Training is provided for all who wish to serve.
The current schedule is listed in the Bulletin.
Altar Servers

Decorations Ministry
The Church Decorations ministers prepare the Church for the different liturgical seasons and celebrations: Advent, Christmas, Ordinary time, Lent, Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, and Memorial Mass. Whatever hours you are willing to give is highly welcomed. Your commitment level is totally up to you.
Decorations Ministry

Children Liturgy of the Word Ministry
Realizing that young minds need a simpler Liturgy of the Word during Mass, we offer Children’s Liturgy of the Word during the 9:00 am Mass. The children ages 4 through the 2nd grade are “dismissed” prior to the Liturgy of the Word and brought down to the Church Hall with the adult ministers. The children are led through the Liturgy using the Lectionary for Masses with Children. With an interactive Homily and the opportunity to offer their own General Intercessions, the children learn about the Word of God. They conclude with an abbreviated version of the Creed and rejoin the main congregation during the Presentation of the Gifts.