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Parish Stewardship

Our Parish Mission Statement calls us to be both disciples and stewards of the Kingdom. Discipleship and Stewardship go hand in hand. As stewards, we receive God’s gift of time, talent and treasure gratefully, nurture them responsibly, and share them lovingly, believing the promise of God to further increase them a hundredfold. Stewardship is best exercised through tithing: Giving back to God 10% of our time, talent, and treasure to make sure the work of His Church continues unto the end of time.

Each one of us has been gifted by God. Besides our gifts of treasure, we all have two other valuable gifts—the gift of time and the gift of talent. Both are priceless opportunities we must use to fulfill our life’s potential and to do great things for God in the church.

We are grateful to God that the doors of this Church have been kept open for over ninety years now by the generous donation of time, talent, and treasure of generations of parishioners. We all need to be on that list as we each need to answer the biblical question: “What return shall I make to the Lord for all He has done for me?”

We are therefore inviting every member of our parish to prayerfully think about the different ways you can help serve this parish community. I need us to think about what we can do for our Church.

Thanks to the Filipino Community for their donation of the table and chairs for the Lower Church.

We also thank them for sponsoring the renovation of the church foyer and for sponsoring the purchase of the devotional Candle Stand for St. Anthony. There are many ministries that can use your talent and time right now.

Please call the rectory at 908-688-1232 if you feel called to serve.



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